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Photo Albums : friends - irc
my own collections RXC Friends #aloysius DALnet [alumni people] [church people] [the net people] [Sydney people]
[IRC people #1] [IRC people #2]
Dian yg senyumnya manis, Sofyar yang bengong, Kiky yang cuek, thonza yang sipit, en Irwan yang soq cool ... :)
reunian kecil #ungu di dago tee huise. T00n datang tapi menolak ikutan difoto :(
Dian Wahyu Utami, Brisbane
we share our past time in jazz and guitar music (we swap mp3 music)
and the bits of life ... thanks to make me understand the dark side of Woman ! :)
carina ,temen baek gue asal Bandung ... ceritanya dia jadi
pengapit penganten nih makanya cakep :P
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