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Photo Albums : collection 3
my own collections1 my own collections2 my own collections3 RXC Friends #aloysius DALnet My Family and Relatives
The Kurniawan's are :
- Amin + Henny Kurniawan
- A. Anthon K.
- L. David K.
- Jane E. K.
- S. Steven K.
me , steven , my mum , and nonie
taken at the Sydney Opera House
my mum , auntie fang², nonie , natalie, kiky , and novie
they were at the church
yoan, steven and arnold
aren't they so cute? they were at the pameungpeuk beach
David , grandma, me , steven and nonie
it was the first time for my grandma come to visit us at Sydney ...
novie , budi , me , natalie , and fang²
just BBQ-ing at the Bronte beach the day before I left to indo on 1998
my auntie meike here with uncle denny celebrating their first born grandson ...
it was on Jan 1999
RCTI oke ?
david , me , richky
budi , noviana, fang²,steven , natalie , and nonieto be continued in near future ...
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