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#aloysius DALnet

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roy83             tebul                        inggit
i never dream about met the leader of #aloysius EFnet at my own 
school but there he is ... tebul , and also roy83, my childish friend,
and inggit , the famous one in EFnet ...  ; )

Junjunan -Joen ² ~ co`manja
<in the middle with hand's support>
he is my neighbourhood friend and he help me a lot in knowing the computers and the latest system ... so anyone want to buy /service your computer ? 
contact him!

Jane Elizabeth Kurniawan ~ n0n1e 
 she is my beloved sister ...quite famous at Dalnet : ) 
this is a bonus for you guys  who always nagg me to have her photos !
but this not the latest ....  this was taken 4 yrs. ago

Olive ~ liv` (top left)
she used to live at Jakarta but then moved to UK for her further study ... quite naughty as she always broken her promises to me : p

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upgrading still on progress

to be continued in near future ...


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